One of the most valuable tools any doctor or naturopath can use is the simple process of asking questions about your symptoms. This simple, yet powerful method is often rushed in the setting of a busy doctor, with the reliance on pathology tests to determine the cause of your symptoms.
Blood tests are not accurate for hormonal conditions
The problem however with this method for women's health is blood work is not an accurate indicator for diagnosis. Doctors even know this and often will not refer for blood work, knowing full well that it is inconclusive. This leads to prescriptions of hormonal treatments, antidepressants, and anxiety medications which while may assist with symptoms, do not treat the underlying cause of fluctuating hormones and poor hormonal clearance which is at the heart of most hormonal conditions.
Hormones shift on an hourly basis which is why blood work and even saliva hormone tests are not that accurate.
Comprehensive Assessment
Our comprehensive hormonal assessment is a tool that is often used in naturopathic clinics to determine how many of your symptoms are related to hormones. Then once you answer the questions specific to your symptoms, a clear picture starts to emerge if your symptoms are hormonally related or not. We ask over 120 questions and then group them based on your replies to ascertain if you have a mild, moderate or severe imbalance in the key areas of women's health.
While it is not diagnostic of menopause, perimenopause, PCOS, Endometriosis or premenstrual tension which are common women's health issues, it is a first step to understanding what is happening in your body. Then our practitioner team can take this information and guide you even further to develop an effective natural solution for your symptoms.
A proven system to help women
With over 1.5 million assessments taken over the past 12 years and hundreds of thousands of women following our advice, supported by qualified Australian practitioners, we have developed a system that works. Practitioner-grade products support our range of programs for women of ALL ages to learn how to manage their hormonal health, which is a lifelong health concern for women. Hormonal imbalances are not a cold, flu or headache. Hormones will impact a woman for her entire life and the sooner she learns how her hormones work and how to manage them naturally, the sooner she can navigate the hormonal stages which will be presented at different ages.
Take the assessment now, then join our community with over 200,000 women and connect with our pracitioner team to take back control of your hormonal health today.