Our PRIVATE Groups
Our private online Communities offer you a space where you can learn to take back control of your own health. And a place to learn, grow, and be supported on your unique health journey.
We have a number of different online groups to support you - with our team of experts on hand to answer all your questions and concerns.

Our main private group
Happy Hormones is a private group for women to share their experiences, symptoms & successes with like-minded ladies. Feel free to post and comment to start the discussion.

Happy Weight group
Happy Weight is a support group for the Happy Healthy You products designed to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Happy Reset Program group
The group for women who are following the 4-week Happy RESET Program, want to learn more about detoxing the body and get support for the program.

Happy Teens group
A private group to learn how to build happy, healthy teens... naturally, and support the teens' development, learning, behaviour and happiness.

Happy Menopause group
A private group to discuss menopausal issues, and where our team of professionals can give you the best advice on how to manage menopause naturally.

PCOS & Endometriosis group
A private group to share, support, learn and deal with all the elements that come with having PCOS and Endometriosis.
What are you waiting for?
Join one group - or all of them - and feel free to post a question or a comment to start the discussion.
There are lots of women in the groups, alongside the HH Team, who will be happy to help answer your questions & concerns, and give tips, advice & guidance.
It's a warm, friendly & lively space... Come join us!