A healthy gut contributes to

Happy Digestion contains a blend of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics to soothe, regulate and improve gastrointestinal function. Stress, poor diet and the environment we live in, all impact the integrity and strength of our gut.
This formulation works to improve the overall health of the digestive tract, improving bowel movements and consistency, reducing bloating and optimising the general health of your gut function.
Pairs well with
Who is Happy Digestion for?
You have an inflammatory gut or digestive issues
You suffer from Heartburn & Reflux

You want to get optimal results from other products

You want to maintain and protect

A healthy gut contributes to:
A strong immune system
Did you know that 80% of our immune system cells are created within the gut, so for a strong immune system we need a happy digestive tract!
Healthy menstrual cycle
Excess hormones are excreted predominantly via bowel motions, if our digestive system isn’t evacuating efficiently we see a recirculation of hormones that can cause imbalances and impact the menstrual cycle
Smooth transition into menopause
As we age, our digestive capacity decreases. Keeping a strong digestive system ensures that our hormones stay as balanced as possible, and our ability to digest, assimilate and absorb isn’t hindered.
Brain health
We know that our brain is a nutrient hungry organ, and so the digestion and nutrient uptake within our gut directly impacts on the health and functionality of our brain.
Happy balanced mood
We know that many of our important neurotransmitters (feel good hormones!) like dopamine are created within the gut, for the healthy production of these our gut needs to be functioning optimally.
Sharp memory
Clearance of toxins in the body often occurs through our bowel evacuation and for optimal memory and cognitive function, toxins needs to be removed from the body regularly to ensure a healthy and clean system.
Good nutritional status
A healthy digestive tract leads to better breakdown of food and therefore greater absorption and assimilation of nutrients from the fuel we are putting into our body.
Shield for diseases
The research shows that many cancers and autoimmune disorders are driven by inflammation, when we heal and regulate the gut, we see the immediate impact this has on the reduction of inflammatory factors within the body

Download our free eBook for next level digestion
‘Nourish your Gut Garden’ is a guide packed with helpful information to help you complete your health. That means you’ll find tips and tools to improve the community of bugs that live in your gut AND improve the overall integrity of your digestive tract. Happy digestion = a tummy free from gas, bloating, reflux, indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea.
‘Nourish your Gut Garden’ Ebook contains:
Your gut microbiome
How to heal your gut (A checklist)
Prebiotics, probiotics, post biotics
How to use Happy Digestion
What does an unhappy digestive tract look like?
Yoga poses for digestion
Recipes for a happy gut
What might be causing your funny tummy
Helpful articles

Did you know that...
- 15% of Australians experience heartburn or acid reflux at least once a week?
- 1 in 5 are suffering from some kind of digestive issue?
- Gut health impacts all areas of your wellbeing?
- 80% of your body’s immune system is located in your digestive tract?
That’s why we formulated Happy Digestion!
Why is gut health so important?
The gut microbiome is the name for the community of bugs that reside in our digestive tract. It’s this community that is responsible for hormone clearance, production of neurotransmitters and part of our immune system.
To put this population into perspective, there are 10x more microbial cells in our gut, than there are human cells in our body which means, we’re more microbe than we are human!
In light of this, it makes complete sense that to be our happiest, healthiest selves we need to have happy healthy microbes!
Happy Digestion contains the 3 important P’s
Prebiotics are the fibres that act as a fuel source for our probiotic bacteria.
Probiotics are the live microorganisms that create the various microbiome communities that live throughout our body, but particularly with the digestive tract.
Postbiotics are the byproducts that are created after the digestion and breakdown of certain metabolites. Postbiotics can have a range of positive health impacts including a strengthening of the microbiome and improved immune regulation
Key active ingredients in Happy Digestion

Chamomile aids digestive health through its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, which can help alleviate symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and discomfort, promoting overall digestive comfort and well-being.

Aloe vera is very soothing and contains compounds like polysaccharides and enzymes that support digestive health by calming irritation, promoting normal bowel motions, and reducing inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Glutamine is an aminoacid that supports the integrity of our intestinal lining, promoting tissue repair, and reducing intestinal permeability, thus contributing to overall gut health.

Digestive enzymes like amylase, protease, lipase, cellulase, papain, and lactase facilitate the breakdown of macronutrients, aiding digestion and nutrient absorption, promoting absorption of nutrients and improved nutritional status.

Ginger supports digestive health by stimulating digestive enzymes, improving gastric motility, reducing nausea, and alleviating gastrointestinal discomfort.

Marshmellow is a soothing herb that has a calming and anti inflammatory effect on the digestive tract. It has been shown to reduce and assist with the treatment of gastric ulcers.

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus) and is known for its anti-inflammatory, digestive, and immune-supporting properties. It has the power to reduce histamine levels, heal the digestive tract and promote tissue healing.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a versatile herb with a long history of use in traditional medicine and culinary practices. As a digestive aid, fennel can help relieve bloating, gas, and indigestion by promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes and facilitating smooth muscle contractions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Inulin is a gentle prebiotic fibre that works to feed and act as fuel for the good and healthy bacteria that live within the digestive tract.
I was absolutely blown away to be honest! The differences in my digestive health - I now HAVE digestive health. I no longer feel bloated after eating, no painful cramps, embarrassing gas. I have my confidence, energy and peace back. So extremely grateful and can’t wait for everyone to have the opportunity to experience digestive health too. I wish this on all my friends and the HH family too!
Learn more about your gut
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It’s possible to assess your digestive health purely by understanding the signs and symptoms your faecal matter presents. The Bristol...
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What causes constipation? Digestive issues are a concern for many women. Considering that the gut is where our vitality is...
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Fermented foods have come back into fashion in the last few years and I can hear our gut raising a...
Learn more about your gut
Understanding Your Poo
It’s possible to assess your digestive health purely by understanding the signs and symptoms your faecal matter presents. The Bristol...
14 Natural Remedies for Constipation
What causes constipation? Digestive issues are a concern for many women. Considering that the gut is where our vitality is...
Have you had your daily dose of fermented foods?
Fermented foods have come back into fashion in the last few years and I can hear our gut raising a...
Key Recipes
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The many nutrients in bone broth are easily absorbable, making it a highly nutritious superfood liquid. Bone broth contains calcium,...
Key Recipes
Chicken Bone Broth
The many nutrients in bone broth are easily absorbable, making it a highly nutritious superfood liquid. Bone broth contains calcium,...
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Connect with your practitioner to discuss your health journey and receive guidance along the way.