Sheena H.H.
I wish I'd tried HH sooner.
100 Happy Hormone tablets later and WHAT a difference. I cant imagine not taking this little supplement of sanity every day. If you are tossing up needs v's wants .... HH are a need, do this for yourself. I wish I had've ordered sooner.

Sheena H.H.
I wish I'd tried HH sooner.
100 Happy Hormone tablets later and WHAT a difference. I cant imagine not taking this little supplement of sanity every day. If you are tossing up needs v's wants .... HH are a need, do this for yourself. I wish I had've ordered sooner.

Suzanne F.F.
Happy Hormones is my life saver
I started going through peri menopause and am having a period every 3-5 months. My biggest symptom beside insomnia is hot flushes. I was having one every 10 minutes and I became a very horrible person as I just couldn't stand them. Enter Happy Hormones, I was having 2 morning and night and it wasn't doing anything and then someone on the FB page suggested 3 morning and night and for that I am forever grateful as now I am not grumpy all the time and the hot flushes are like maybe 5 a day now. I am sure my husband and kids thanks you more :)

Denise B.
Thank goodness for your products
I use both Happy hormones and happy liver, although I am 68 I still get hot flushes, my recent blood test my liver is great
And I am very happy to say my hot flushes are gone Tks to your wonderful products, they travel all over Australia with me and I have spread the word about them. Tks sooooo much