Did you know that along with your gut microbiome, your skin has a microbiome of its own?
All this excitement about the digestive microbiome and the skin is forgotten about. Skin issues have a huge correlation with hormonal imbalance in women, and with a focus on the skin microbiome, a lot of these issues can be eliminated easily, by simply taking it back to basics.
Hormones can cause an overproduction of sebum in the skin, which blocks the pores in congested skin, and acne or large pustules can develop.
What is the skin microbiome?
The skin contains an ecosystem of millions of diverse habitats with an abundance of folds, invaginations, and specialised niches that support a wide range of microorganisms.
These microorganisms protect against the invasion of more pathogenic organisms, and they also have an imperative role in educating billions of T-cells - which are also found in the skin - and priming them to respond to similarly marked pathogenic cousins.
Just like the gut microbiome, it is equally important that the skin microbiome is regularly nourished and supported. The skin microbiome is under more stress and pressure now than ever before, due to the increase in toxic body and beauty products, make-up products, body washes, and body lotions. Hand sanitisers are major culprits too, as these toxic sanitisers kill not only the bad bacteria but the good bacteria as well!
Happy Greens and Happy Turmeric provide your system with a LIVE probiotic which can assist in nurturing your own skin microbiome. Many ladies also use them externally as a face mask to encourage natural healthy bacteria in the skin.
Nourishing the skin microbiome
In a recent study of remote villagers in the Amazon with perfect skin, they found they have a range of skin bacteria that had become extinct in western races. A particular bacteria was shown to protect against acne and skin conditions.
Some skincare products can destroy the beneficial bacteria on the skin. There are now so many great non-toxic alternatives to skincare, and it's important to use these, to ensure the integrity and strength of your skin microbiome.
Some really great ways to nurture your skin microbiome include using non-toxic beauty, body, and home cleaning products. Just this change alone, will not only have a major positive impact on your skin microbiome but also your general wellbeing.
Keeping your skin regularly hydrated is another great way to nourish the skin microbiome. Things like coconut and macadamia oil are great, as they give the good bacteria beautiful sustenance to feed and thrive from.
Adding some therapeutic fermented coconut yoghurt to a lukewarm bath is another great way to nurture those beautiful bugs.
And lastly a skin bug favourite - creating your own toner using 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and ¼ of a cup of coconut Kefir. This toner recipe is super nourishing for the skin and will bring about a glowing complexion whilst killing off any nasty bugs on the skin at the same time.
The other important consideration is your skin reflects your internal health, and especially the health of your elimination system.
By improving your digestive health, and liver function, in particular, the skin starts to radiate. The simplest and most effective way to do this is to include natural probiotic foods and eat a clean diet devoid of processed foods and chemicals.
Following the RESET program is the perfect way to reset your system and at the end of the program, your skin will be glowing and healthy.
Nurturing your skin microbiome is a fantastic way to improve and maintain fabulous skin health and hygiene. When it comes to the health of your skin microbiome, it’s imperative that you address both external and internal health at the same time for the best and most nourishing results.
Check out our newest book, HAPPY HEALTHY YOU, a valuable resource to firstly understand how your body works, and then take proactive steps to improve your health, inside and out. It also includes over a hundred of our curated recipes that can help you in your journey to optimum skin health.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in contact with the Happy Healthy YOU team – we are here to help and support you on your journey.
Grice, E, Segre, J. The Skin Microbiome. Nat Rev Microbiology. 3 January 2013; 9(4) 244-253.
Lunjani, N, Hlela, C, O’Mahony, L. Microbiome and Skin Biology. Curr Opin Allergy Clinical Immunology, 19 August 2019; 19(4), 329-333.
Sfriso, E, Egert, E, Gempeler, M. Revealing the Secret Life of Skin. International Journal of Cosmetic Science. April 2020; 42(2), 116-126.