Gents we have a problem… We are in the midst of a hormonal epidemic and its permeating influence through our lives and indeed all of society.
Our lives are so intertwined with women, that we can no longer turn a blind eye to the fact that many of the women in our lives are suffering from the effects of fluctuating and imbalanced hormones.
Your mothers, aunts, wives or girlfriends, grandmothers, work colleagues, and even daughters, are suffering from a wide range of conditions associated with their hormones.
Common conditions include endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, menopause, perimenopause, fibroids, premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, to name only a few.
These are just the physical issues that come from hormonal imbalances. There is also a wide range of mental & emotional symptoms that go with hormone imbalances - such as mood swings, irritability, depression and anxiety, which are genuine symptoms - and as men, we need to understand the situation.
The main problem with the mental & emotional symptoms
that women experience is that, in many cases, women don’t realise that
their hormones make them feel this way.
So all of a sudden leaving the toilet seat up, or your underpants on the floor, or an off-handed comment, can become a massive issue. For the unaware, we might wonder what the hell has happened.
Well, hormones have fluctuated, causing women’s emotions to fluctuate. Without realising this, a simple episode can escalate into a larger confrontation. This can then develop into a permanent relationship issue, without either party realising that hormones are at the core of the issue, not the fact that you keep leaving the toilet seat up...
As men, we must also understand the physical symptoms that come with hormonal imbalances, which can be debilitating. Endometriosis, for example, can literally cripple a woman every month. Polycystic ovarian syndrome can make women put on weight, despite eating well and exercising - and even cause infertility. Menopausal hot flushes can lead women to the point of suicide.
So it’s real. And as responsible men, we must support the women in our lives and not stick our heads in the sand and think it’s not our problem. It is our problem, and we must support our women in whatever way we can.
We are in the middle of a hormonal imbalance epidemic, no one is game enough to have honest discussions with the women in their lives about it - either through lack of awareness. or fear of repercussions. It’s a real issue, and we as men must openly confront it and discuss it. The days of retreating to your shed with a beer have gone. We cannot hide from the facts any longer.
There are many reasons why we're faced with this situation. Broadly, our Western diet and lifestyle contribute to unbalancing a woman’s endocrine system, which causes hormonal imbalance. Sugar plays a significant role, as does our over-processed food chain.
The level of stress women face contributes to the disruption of their endocrine system, via constantly-elevated levels of the adrenal hormones. Then, the overuse of synthetic hormones, via contraception and as a treatment method, further imbalance women’s hormonal systems. This has led to many of our younger women and daughters being born with a susceptibility to hormonal imbalances. And the circle continues.
Thankfully, there is a solution. And I will give you the steps to help the women in your life find balance again, and be happy.
Step 1. Sit down and have a discussion with the different women in your life, if you see there's an issue. Hormones are not a sexually transmitted disease! There is no reason at all, in this day and age, to be embarrassed about symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances.
Let them know that you understand and are willing to support them through the recovery process. Create an open dialogue where you can discuss whether the emotional symptoms of your wife, mother or daughter may be linked to hormones. Or, if they are feeling depressed or down as a result. Or if they have pain associated with their cycle. Trust me, if you can have this discussion, they will be very grateful.
Step 2. As I mentioned, diet & lifestyle play an essential role in the development and recovery of hormonal imbalances. So, be supportive of the dietary changes that need to happen in the household. It won’t hurt you to clean up your diet, and will actually contribute to improving your own hormonal balance and testosterone levels - but that's another article.
Step 3. Download our free ebook that explains exactly how hormonal imbalances develop in the first place. Having this knowledge will allow you to better understand what’s happening, and be more supportive from an educated standpoint, rather than being ignorant to the whole issue. It’s not rocket science, and it makes sense when you understand the basic pathophysiology.
Step 4. Try and take some of the load off, in terms of chores and roles around the house, and actively encourage time out to go for a walk, a run, the gym, some yoga or meditation. It's vitally important that women manage their stress, levels since it's one of the most common triggers for hormonal imbalance.
Step 5. Don’t insist on synthetic hormone contraception. It’s dangerous for women; and if you care for your partner, the risk vs reward, in my opinion, does not warrant the use. Maybe consider the snip, or get a bit better control over your old fella in the bedroom.
Step 6. Often diet and lifestyle are just not enough to balance a woman’s hormones - which is why I created a natural supplement to support the balancing of the endocrine system, and hence hormonal imbalance.
I've specialised in women’s health for over 20 years, and along with the supplement, I've developed an 8-Week Program which helps to reset a woman's hormonal system. It works, and it works very well.
So do yourself a favour, and read some of the information we have, and download the program for your own sanity, and the women in your life!
Ask your partner to let you read some of the stories in our private Facebook group.
Step 7. Be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Embrace this as a real concern and a real issue.
Have the discussion with your mates and your sons. Show your sons it's ok to care for the women in their lives, and that it's part of the responsibility of being a good man. Then we can start to change the stereotypes, and it will be better for everyone.
So there you have it gents. It’s time to man up and take better care of the women in your life, and not play dumb to the whole issue of hormonal symptoms.
As they say, “happy wife, happy life”. It’s a very real issue and as a society, we need to do something about it - especially for our younger women and daughters - to prevent them having to go through the same issues, which can literally destroy lives.
Best of luck,