Do you follow your cycle and notice the varied emotions you feel during the different periods of the month? If you do, don’t think for a moment that this is something strange, superstitious or just another old wives' tale. The truth is, both investigative data and laboratory findings have confirmed that there exists a synchronous relationship between your menstrual cycle and the lunar rhythm.
The four phases of the moon and the corresponding phases of the menstrual cycle are as follows:
PHASE 1: Menstrual Phase / New Moon - Planting Seeds (Day 1-7)
The menstrual phase of a woman’s monthly cycle is otherwise known as Week One and starts on the first day of your period. A drop in the production of oestrogen, along with the release of inflammatory mediators, initiates the bleeding and may cause cramps, tiredness, sensitivity and the feelings of wanting to hibernate. During this time a woman retreats, takes time to nurture herself, and contemplates on her health and happiness.
This bleeding time can be akin to the phase of the dark moon in the lunar cycle. The new moon is also a time for initial planning and preparing for action. It's a time when we feel we're not moving exactly full-speed ahead, but we're planting seeds in order to do so.
PHASE 2: Follicular Phase / Waxing Phase - Taking Action (Day 8-14)
Week Two of your menstrual cycle is like a full-scale brain boost and physical blast. Oestrogen and testosterone levels rise, giving us a sharper memory and a better-than-average ability to think on our feet. It also boosts our confidence and this is the perfect time to start new endeavours like hitting the gym or taking on a new work project.
The extra rise in testosterone during the follicular phase is like natural caffeine, making us feel more competitive and amping up our impulsivity. Testosterone also makes us more daring, so this week is best for putting our best foot forward and taking action.
PHASE 3: Ovulation Phase / Full Moon - Collaboration (Day 15-21)
The ovulation phase is Week Three of your cycle. Some cycles are longer than others but for all women, the ovulation phase begins the day after ovulation and generally lasts eight days. This is your time to shine! The rise in progesterone during this period makes us want to socialise more. We are also clear in our decisions, we want to have fun and our libido surges! This is the time to put on your party dress and dance with the Kundalini rising.
The full moon is a time for collaboration as well – a time to pitch your ideas to others, to gain clarity, and to work with others positively. You may choose to join your lover and make a baby or probably come up with a business plan, or even both!
PHASE 4: Luteal Phase / Waning Moon - Complete Tasks (Day 22-28)
The waning moon is the period directly after a full moon and is a time to stay focused and complete tasks. It's also a time when we start winding down in preparation for the next new moon. This is a time of harvesting – which is also when we start getting rid of the crap we don't need – pulling out and discarding the weeds.
If the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle (your PMS week) lines up with the waning moon, don't be surprised if you feel inspired to let go of the things in your life that no longer serve you. Trust yourself during this time, because a dip in the sedating progesterone hormone will be making you feel more clear-headed and less weighed down, physically and mentally.
White Moon or Red Moon?
Getting your period in line with the new moon is known as having a ‘White Moon Cycle’. However, you may be among the group of women who tend to get their period on the full moon, which is known as the ‘Red Moon Cycle’.
Women who get their periods on the full moon were traditionally thought to be healers and wiser than other women. So, if you were bummed to not be in line with the new moon, it could actually be because you're even more of a witch than the rest of us!