Many women are torn between taking Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or the natural route. Our philosophy is simple. Try the natural route first. Give it three months, and if it doesn’t work, then consider HRT as an option. After all, perimenopause or menopause is not a disease; it is a process, and the best results come from nourishing your body at this time of life.
Ultimately, if you decide on HRT, we can still support you by adding Happy Hormones to help guide your body through this phase. Without Happy Hormones, you may find yourself struggling to come off HRT in years to come.
Are There Any Side Effects when Stopping HRT Suddenly?
At some point, you will need to wean off HRT if you decide to go this route. This can be a challenging time for women. NEVER stop HRT cold turkey. HRT is a very powerful medicine and your body has developed a dependency on it. We suggest taking Happy Hormones for at least six weeks (ideally three months), and then slowly weaning off HRT over six to twelve weeks. If you have a return of symptoms, slow down the weaning process. The time it takes to safely and effectively wean off HRT depends on how long you have been taking it and the severity of your symptoms before starting treatment. We have successfully transitioned thousands of ladies from HRT to Happy Hormones.
What about my bone and heart health?
There is a lot of concern around bone and heart health during menopause. The reality is that diet, lifestyle, and exercise have a far greater impact on your bone mass and heart health. Follow our eating guidelines and exercise regularly with the addition of routine weight sessions to maintain bone mass and a healthy heart.
Haven't Noticed Any Changes? Here's Why
We know our approach works very well from the thousands of women who follow our advice. In some cases, women still struggle to see changes. Usually, it is related to what we call the "3Ss of Menopause"—SUGAR, STRESS, and SLEEP.
The combination of these three elements seems to be the biggest block to overcoming menopausal symptoms. We suggest cutting out all sugar, being acutely aware of stress, and prioritising the development of healthy sleep habits. Finally, give your body some time. It has literally taken your body a lifetime to get to this point, and hormonal cycles work slowly. We suggest giving our approach at least three months and working with our practitioner team to get the best results.