Have you tried Happy Hormones and found it didn’t work for you?
Of course, Happy Hormones is not going to work for everyone, BUT there is a very common reason many women do not consider. There are many conditions that are not linked to hormonal changes, and health, in general, is very complex. Many factors need to be considered when on a journey to improve your symptoms and overall health. This is where our practitioner team can help individually support and assist you.
Poor Hormone Clearance and Metabolism
The main issue Happy Hormones may not have worked for you is the second piece in the puzzle of hormonal imbalance is how your body metabolises hormones. This can be genetic and developed over a lifetime. When the body does not break down hormones and excrete them correctly then hormones recirculate and disrupt the good work Happy Hormones is doing.
Happy Hormones does not improve hormone metabolism. It is a regulator. But if your imbalance has arisen from poor hormone breakdown and excretion, HH can only do so much. This leads to a feeling that it is not working.
The solution to this problem is to improve hormone clearance via improving liver and digestive function. This is why we suggest you start with Happy Liver to improve liver function and then increase fibre rich food, consuming probiotic rich, fermented foods and avoiding processed and junk foods. Minimising sugar and alcohol intake is also another factor to consider.
The second reason HH does not work for most women is they do not give it long enough. I have analysed the group of women who only purchase once, and a large percentage of them have only ordered the small sizes of HH. It takes years for hormonal imbalances to develop, so it is only logical that it takes time for them to correct.
We suggest at least 3 months or 3 cycles to see the full benefits you can experience. There are many reviews with ladies saying it took 6 months to see the changes. Please, if you gave up too early….really consider giving it a better chance.
We treat ladies with simple imbalances, right through to complex multi-conditional disease processes. The degree of the imbalance makes a huge difference to how quickly HH can work and whether you need additional advice and products to support your system. In some cases, such as chronic endometriosis with scarring or large fibroids, it is too late, and you will often need surgery. We can then support you in following these medical interventions.
We find the younger women are, the faster they respond. Teens respond incredibly quickly, whilst menopausal women need a higher dose, and it can definitely take the full 3 months to see the changes. This again comes down to the severity of the condition and the time that it took to develop, as well as younger women having better organ function and ability to heal.
Stress is the number one block to balancing hormones. It is one of the major disruptors of hormones, and prolonged stress impacts adrenal health, which we will discuss further on.
Stress is a constant in many women’s lives however, with the right management, the physical effects can be reduced. Stress is accumulative. So the key is to release stress regularly….regular exercise, time management, meditation, yoga, and prioritising your own health are some of the tips to manage stress so you can get the best out of Happy Hormones.
Hormonal imbalance is not your primary health issue
Hormonal imbalances are extremely common. All women have some degree of imbalance. However, there are women with other health factors contributing to their symptoms. The most common conditions that need rectifying before Happy Hormones can regulate your hormones are adrenal insufficiency, long-standing depression or psychiatric conditions, food allergies and chronic digestive conditions, insomnia, and chronic pain.
Many other chronic conditions will also inhibit how well Happy Hormones can work. In these situations, we suggest working with your practitioner to overcome these conditions first. Happy Hormones can play a supportive role; however, it is important to understand the other health factors.
Diet is one of the most common contributors to hormonal imbalance. If you do not make any changes to the key dietary contributing factors then it makes it hard for Happy Hormones to work. Key contributing factors are sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. In certain ladies (especially those with acne), wheat and dairy are the common culprits. For ladies with PCOS, it is critical to have low-GI foods and follow a gluten-free diet.
Too many animal products are generally a concern, and keto diets directly disrupt hormonal balance long term. Don’t get confused between reducing refined carbohydrates and eliminating them completely.
We offer our free 8-week Program as a guide to assist you in making the necessary dietary changes. The severity of your symptoms determines how close you need to follow the guidelines.
I didn’t realise it was working
Many women didn’t even realise Happy Hormones was working. People who are close to you can often be a better judge of how well Happy Hormones is working, especially relating to mood and emotions. Have that conversation, and you may be surprised by what those close to you may say.
Happy Hormones is not a cure-all. It simply is a catalyst to assist your body to balance its hormones. When you can improve your liver function and digestive clearance you will find your results are so much better.
Our approach is a system.....of diet, lifestyle, and products to help support your body to balance. In most cases, it takes time. At least 3 months. Give it time to work. We know it works extremely well....you just need to understand why it may not have worked, and our practitioner team can work through this with you.
The ladies that get the fastest and most dramatic results follow all our advice. In most cases, women that give up….there has been a block in place to allow Happy Hormones and our advice to work. Our practitioner team is available 7 days a week to discuss your individual situation and give you the best advice. All you need to do is send us an email, and you can discuss it with them in our groups. Search the groups for your symptoms, and there will be many posts where you can ask questions or simply read similar experiences.
A good starting point with our approach is to take our online women’s health assessment. To get a benchmark and then retake the assessment after 3 months to see the changes that have occurred as many times you may have forgotten about some of your symptoms.