It’s a new year, which means there are new resolutions aplenty.
From daily gym sessions to dairy-free meals, at the offset of every year, we make promises to ourselves that become more malleable as the calendar pages change.
This year, however, why not make a commitment to yourself and your health that you can actually keep? This year, resolve to take better care of your skin.
While you may think that skin care routines are simply for vanity’s sake, taking better care of your body’s biggest organ can actually improve your overall health.
To help you jumpstart your New Year’s resolution, we highlighted the best skin care products that can help you achieve your goals each and every year.
Facial Cleanser
Proper skin care begins with keeping your skin clean. Whether you like it or not, dirt and grime will build up over time on your skin, so implementing a cleansing component to your skin care routine is vital!
Our faces are out in the elements all day, every day, which means bacteria, pollutants and whatever else may land on us. On top of that, dead skin build-up is a thing and a thing that can happen fast. Skin cleansers are one of the easiest and best ways to keep your skin glowing and fresh.
Facial Moisturiser
Moisturising your skin not only gives it a dewy glow, it also helps protect against dry skin or overly-oily skin, which can result in blemishes and clogged pores.
If you’re not already using a daily moisturiser with SPF, now is the time to start.
Be sure to use your moisturiser after every shower or bath at the very least. Interaction with hot water strips your face of its natural oils, leaving it dry and susceptible to damage.
As you search for the right moisturiser for your skin care routine, keep an eye on the ingredient list to ensure that the lotion is hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested and oil-free.
Hyaluronic Acid
We’ve talked about those among us with oily skin–how about the readers with dry skin?
If you’re looking to add a moisture boost to your skin care routine that goes beyond your moisturiser’s capabilities, hyaluronic acid may be right for you.
While the name may seem off-putting, hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule that already occurs naturally in your skin. When you apply it in serum form as part of your skin care routine, it can have the following benefits:
- Can increase wound healing
- Promotes healthier skin
- Increases hydration
While the products we’ve covered above are all topical solutions, what goes into your body is just as important as what goes on it.
If you’re looking to seriously boost your overall skin and physical health, adding supplements to your skin care routine can help.
The right supplements can have the following whole-body impact:
- Eliminate hormonal issues
- Reduce weight gain
- Improve energy levels
- Balance hormones
- Improve gut health
Probiotics are one supplement that must be considered when putting together a new skin care routine. Probiotics are live bacteria that we consume, through foods and supplements, to support gut and immune health and wellbeing.
Studies focused on the prevention and treatment of gut-related issues (such as irritable bowel syndrome) and inflammatory skin conditions, including eczema, dermatitis, and acne, have shown encouraging results regarding the use of probiotics. There is no denying probiotics should be included as part of your wider skin care routine.
In addition to whatever other goals you have for the year, pledging to take better care of your skin is an easy, attainable way to better your overall health.
If you’re searching for products that can help make your skin care routine goals a reality, Happy Health You can help.