One of the most common questions we get asked in our online communities is:
"Why am I so tired"?
Fatigue is a representation of many factors in our body, and you need to do detective work to determine which of the following causes are related to your individual health situation.
The most common causes of fatigue we see in our online clinic and communities are:
- Nutrient Deficiencies (such as magnesium and iron)
- Poor Mitochondrial Function
- Lack of Quality Sleep
- Stress and Adrenal Fatigue
- Thyroid Deficiency
- Weak Digestion
- Poor Liver Function
- Viral After-effects
- Insulin Resistance and Poor Blood Sugar Control
- Insufficient Hormone Production
- Lack of Strenuous Exercise
- Incorrect Dietary and Lifestyle Choices
Let's look at each of these areas in more detail.
Nutrient Deficiencies
Without certain nutrients such as Iron, B Vitamins, and Magnesium, you will always struggle with fatigue. These key nutrients power our cellular energy centres and are commonly deficient in the Western community despite most people consuming a nutrient-rich diet. The problem is two-fold. First, many are people consuming diets that are over-processed, leaving food calorie-rich and nutrient-poor. Many people also do not consume enough variety in their food choices. Secondly, our bodies burn these nutrients too quickly. Inefficient cellular function utilises these nutrients too quickly, leaving a state of deficiency. Certain nutrients like iron are also lost readily through women's menstrual cycles.
Poor Mitochondrial Function
Mitochondria are organelles in our cells that produce energy from food. When our mitochondria numbers diminish or become inefficient in producing energy we become fatigued. The above nutrients are important for mitochondrial function; however, keeping our cells in a clean state is equally important. Our cells accumulate internal and external toxins that inhibit the mitochondrial ability to produce energy, leaving us feeling weak and fatigued.
Poor Quality Sleep
If you do not get regular, high-quality sleep, your health will suffer in many ways. Everything I do in my waking life is directed towards getting a good night's sleep because it is literally the most important element for health and well-being. We repair and cleanse when we sleep well.
Stress Leading to Adrenal Fatigue
Stress is exactly that—stress on the body. Any additional stress on the body will fatigue it. Our adrenal glands are largely involved in the stress adaption response, with long-term stress levels leading to adrenal fatigue. When your adrenals fatigue, it can lead to long-term chronic fatigue, impact thyroid function, and disrupt hormonal balance.
Thyroid Deficiency
If you are persistently tired, go and get your thyroid tested. Our thyroid controls our metabolism, and when it is deficient, our energy levels will be sluggish. Make sure you check all your thyroid markers, including TSH, T3, and T4 levels.
Weak Digestion and Poor Liver Function
These two organ systems work together to ensure we digest all the nutrition from our diets. You can have the best diet in the world and a weak digestive system, which causes food to be incompletely digested and ferments in your gut. Poor digestion is extremely common and develops as we age. Equally, our livers are such high-work organs, making it very easy for them to congest and not filter internal and external toxins, leading to cellular build-up affecting mitochondria.
Supporting liver function and increasing the amount of LIVE probiotics and prebiotics in your diet is essential in rebuilding a healthy liver and digestion. You can do this through fermented foods, plant-rich diets high in fibre, and our Happy Greens and Happy Turmeric.
Viral After-effects
If your immune system is compromised then viral infections can linger in your system, affecting cellular energy production. Ask your doctor to test you for any latent viruses that could be affecting your energy levels and then boost your immunity with a healthy diet and lifestyle, olive leaf, astragalus, echinacea, vitamin C, and probiotics.
Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugar Control
Insulin Resistance occurs through the consumption of too many refined carbohydrates, prolonged stress levels, and poor sleep. Getting checked for insulin resistance is a good idea if you are finding energy slumps during the day. Avoiding refined carbohydrates, but not all carbohydrates, chromium, zinc, and magnesium, can improve blood sugar control and improve insulin sensitivity.
Insufficient Hormone Production
Hormones influence how we feel in many ways. Mood, energy, sleep, and hormonal symptoms. Low progesterone and testosterone namely can affect energy levels. Working on increasing your internal hormone production (not taking external hormones) can have a huge effect on your overall energy and vitality.
Lack of Strenuous Exercise
Our mitochondria have a 9-day life cycle, and the body produces the amount of mitochondria needed for our energy demands. If you do not perform any strenuous activities in this life cycle, the body will reduce mitochondrial numbers. Over time you end up with only the bare necessity of mitochondria needed for your survival. Exercise increases numbers and helps to maintain and provide sufficient energy levels.
Unhealthy Diet and Lifestyle Choices
If you do not fuel your body with a balance of healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein you will always feel sluggish and lack energy. If you restrict any of these food groups you will eventually run out of energy. A healthy diet is not difficult or complex. It is all about preparing food at home and avoiding processed foods. A predominantly plant-based diet with healthy fats and small amounts of quality proteins wins the race every time.
If you need assistance checking any of these areas, our online clinic with specialist holistic health care practitioners can guide you. A combination of OUR MSP (MAGNESIUM SLEEP PAIN), Happy Liver, and Happy Hormones can set you on the right path to rebuilding your energy levels and vitality. If you need additional help with the stress of sleeping, then Happy Calm may just be the right tool to break bad sleep and stress habits.
You do not need to travel through life feeling tired and lethargic. Health and vitality are in reach if you embrace a wellness lifestyle. Your unique health path is a journey. Let us guide you with the right approach.